Our Crew

From as far back as I can recall I have been crazy about flying. I started flying radio control aircraft at the age of 10. However, my latent aviation passion did not become more concrete until 2004 when I completed my PPL and started flying for the law firm in which I was a partner. As part of my legal studies I completed a Master of Laws selecting International Aviation Law as a focus. In 2009 I decided to study for and obtain my Commercial Pilot’s Licence and completed the FAA Instrument Commercial Licence as well as my Namibian Instrument and Commercial Licences. I began to free-lance for local operators and obtained my multi-engine, turbine endorsements.

Since having contracted a severe case of aviation influenza, I bought into Scenic Air in late 2010, quit formal legal practice, and now function as Scenic Air’s Managing Director and line pilot rated on all types Scenic Air operates.

I joined the Namibian Chapter of AOPA as executive board member. I am passionate about anything and everything aviation related with a special interest in Crew Resource Management.  In my free time I fly my RV8 aerobatic aircraft and regularly take part in pylon races and air races.  I also served as Airboss for Namibia’s International Airshow.

Born and raised in a small town called Tsumeb where I have spent most of my life, I decided to uproot, spread my wings and seek new adventures.  I came to the holiday town Swakopmund where I fell in love with the beautiful scenes of  aircraft passing our jetty at sunset.

Soon after I started my aviation career at a small company where I completed a few courses.  During this time I met some of the most amazing people along the way and some of them was Scenic Air crew. I was invited to join the Scenic Air family in late 2016.  I am proud to be part of this great family and workforce with their deep morals and dedication.

We are here to assist, help and advice you with every need in aviation for many years to come.

I was born in Namibia and raised in a beautiful small coastal town called Swakopmund.  I love adventure and I am passionate about the Tourism Industry.  I was fortunate enough to join the Aviation Industry in 2015 when I worked at the Swakopmund Airport.  I soon realized my interest and quickly grew fond of the aviation world.

I am now privileged enough to be part of an amazing Scenic Air team.  Be sure that a great adventure awaits.

Being born into a family with long line of pilots, it was almost inevitable that I would take the same path.

At the age of 3, I left South Africa, the place of my birth, to accompany my parents living an expat lifestyle in Mauritius, where my father spent 20 years as a pilot for Air Mauritius. Needless to say I spent a lot of time in and out of the cockpit at a young age, getting a grasp of what my future would hold. After finishing school, I wasted no time on any other career choices, and started my flight training in South Africa.

It’s really a privilege to fly for Scenic Air in this beautiful country of Namibia.

I look forward to sharing the magnificent scenery with you.

See you onboard.

I started my aviation career with Scenic Air in 2010 as a C210 pilot, with Swakopmund as my base and mainly operating scenic flights to Sossusvlei.

In 2012, after I gained some experience, I spread my wings and joined a privately owned company and operated on a PC12 for 7 years, followed by a Flight Operations Inspector position at the Civil Aviation Authority for 3 years.

As life sometimes does, I completed a full circle and returned to the place where everything started, Scenic Air, as the Quality Assurance Manager. I am not the first to return to this awesome company, and I will surely not be the last.

Born and raised on a farm in Namibia, I was introduced to the tourism industry from an early age. Helping my parents run and manage the lodges, I gained good experience working with tourists.

Flying with my father sparked my interest in aviation which made my career choice very easy. Flying in Namibia has always been my dream as its one of the most beautiful countries to fly in. Being able to speak 3 languages makes it easier for me to work with guests and give them the best possible experience.

Starting my journey with Scenic Air has been one of my proudest moments. Look forward to sharing great memories and adventures with you in the sky!

To be exceptional you must follow your dreams.

I was born and raised in a small town north of Namibia (Oshakati). Although being limited in exposure and knowledge of the aviation industry growing up, it didn’t stop me from jumping off the mountain tops and build my wings on the way down. My career started in 2016 right after high school at 2 flight schools in Windhoek and I attained my Commercial Pilot License in 2023. Today I have the privilege of flying with an amazing team that shares the same passion I have. What a dream.

I look forward to sharing with you the magnificent scenery of this beautiful country. See you soon.

I was born and raised in Welkom, South Africa. As the first in the family to embrace a career in aviation, I navigated the challenges with dedication, earning my commercial pilot’s license in 2014.

Today, as a member of the Scenic Air team, I extend an invitation to passengers seeking a journey through Namibia’s diverse terrain. I will share the narrative of Namibia, ensuring each passenger departs with an enduring memory. Come and experience the vast beauty of this remarkable country from the sky where it is a unique opportunity to witness the breathtaking landscapes that unfold beneath the wings from expansive deserts to majestic canyons.

From take-off to landing, I am dedicated to providing a service that beckons passengers to return and savor the wonders of Namibia from the aerial perspective once again.

Greetings! I’m Hallbjørn, a Norwegian aviator who initially ventured to Florida in pursuit of a flying career.

My journey has now led me to Namibia, where I proudly serve as a pilot for Scenic Air, contributing to the exploration of breathtaking landscapes from the skies.

I was born in the coastal town Lüderitz and raised in a small dusty but beautiful town called Rehoboth.

I have always had a very bright imagination and a deep love for adventure, that part of me is the driving factor of my personality and that which keeps me young. on this journey of life, I try to live by this quote ‘’like kites without strings and butterflies without wings my mother taught me to soar with my dreams.’’

I am and have always been curious by nature and aircrafts have fascinated me but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be part of a team that works behind the scenes. Scenic Air welcomed me with open arms and electric smiles. From my first day at the office, they made me feel like more than a colleague, they made me feel like family.

At Scenic Air our job is to help clients make their dreams a reality with soaring through the Namibian sky, so hop on over and let us charter your next adventure.

My Aviation Adventure started in 1994 when I joined the Comav Team as a Trainee Charter Coordinator.  In 2002 I joined the Scenic Air Team as Charter Coordinator.  During 2010 I had the amazing opportunity to buy shares in Scenic Air. This has now become my life journey.

Some people say the sky is the limit and I saw that as a challenge. My passion for aviation was fueled at a very young age.

I completed my Commercial Pilot’s License in 2006 and gained experience in numerous sectors as well as on many different aircraft types in the aviation industry.  I grew up on a farm close to Windhoek where I discovered my love for nature.

Allow me to take you on a breathtaking journey through this beautiful country with its rich wildlife, vast landscapes and the most beautiful sunsets in the world.

I grew up in Windhoek, Namibia then studied Accounting in Stellenbosch.

After having completed my Articles in Windhoek, the travel bug bit me and I moved to Berlin.

While working there, I thoroughly enjoyed traveling to France, England, Switzerland, Turkey and Canada in my spare time.

I now work in the tourism industry in Namibia and enjoy traveling around Namibia.

I am very happy to be part of the awesome Scenic Air family.

Born and raised in Windhoek, I’ve had the opportunity to travel around Namibia extensively. I have visited some of the special places and have seen some spectacular views this country has to offer. With this knowledge I feel in touch with the touristic side of the industry and by working in aviation, I am able to contribute to their Namibian Experience.

Since 2007, I have been working in various sectors of the aviation industry. Organizing scheduled flights, dispatching mercy flights, operating with contracts in foreign countries and planning charters are all part of my experience. Attending to client needs by coordinating relevant information makes my job quite interesting. We cater for client’s needs which range from single turbine or single engine aircraft and any other special requests they might have. All of these falls into my area of expertise and I look forward to assisting you with your visit to this beautiful country.

Working in the aviation industry sometimes involves long hours, difficult situations and challenging experiences, but everyday has something new and entertaining to offer. The trick is to find that ‘something’ sometimes. Working with the crew and staff here at Scenic Air always brings out that something special each day.

I grew up on a farm in the Khomas Hochland area where the beauty of nature is indescribable.

I started working in aviation in February 2011 until May 2012 where I exchanged this for my second love; horses and agriculture. I worked at the Namibian Stud Breeders Association for 10 years, but as time went by, I realized that the Avgas and Jet A1 fumes would never leave my system. Therefore, I decided to return to the aviation industry in September 2022 where I joined the Scenic Air family.

For me, this is where I want to be, helping people to turn their Namibian travel dreams into a memorable reality.

I was born and raised in the beautiful capital City of Namibia, Windhoek. Inhaling the doctor spree that surrounded me, I decided to pursue the doctor’s career. It was upon my first flight at the age of 14 to Nigeria that I developed a huge interest and love for aviation which overpowered the medicine career instantly. I knew there and then when I saw the pilots, that this is what I will become.

I finished high school in Windhoek and went to South Africa to complete my PPL. I came back to Namibia, where I was fortunate and blessed enough to have joined and be part of the Scenic Air team.

I was born and raised in this breathtaking country called Namibia.  I always had a passion for flying and always loved being up in the sky, no matter in what way it was.  I started my aviation career in South Africa in 2014 and after that I couldn’t resist coming back to Namibia.  It is amazing how much you can see from a birds eye view and I am extremely privileged to be a part of this amazing team.

I was born and raised in the Capital City of Namibia. I grew up in a family with a lot of Doctors and Nurses but deep down i always had an interest in the Aviation Industry.

My Career in aviation started with me obtaining my PPL after high school and then becoming a Flight Attended for the National Airline and completing my Commercial License during those years.

I await to take you up into our beautiful skies and show you our lovely landscape.

I was born in Namibia and the sky was always my limit. I have had the privilege to explore many career paths like Culinary Arts and so much more.

Before I knew it, I found myself interested in the aviation industry and settled down for a family like Scenic Air. This was by far the best decision I have made as I enjoy working with a team of people who is so enthusiastic about the aviation industry.

Every day is a learning curve, but mostly I enjoy working with clients. I strive in meeting client’s expectations and thrive in professional settings which require accuracy and values quality relationships with clients with cultural diversity.

I look forward to assisting you with all your requirements to create a beautiful experience while visiting Namibia.

I was born and raised in Windhoek Namibia.

My passion for aviation started when I was a young boy, flying with my grandfather in a Bell helicopter.

The most important part of my career is the happiness and passion that I have for what I do, which is one of the biggest advantages together with the major satisfactory it brings me as a pilot.

Flying an aircraft filled with passengers and getting them safely from point A to point B is as rewarding as it gets. Not to mention the views and experience I get from seeing our beautiful Namibia while flying.

Are you ready to embark this journey with me, to see what our country has to offer?

Born and raised in Namibia,

I started my career as commercial pilot in Namibia.

I had the opportunity to fly and work for some great mentors who provided me with some great opportunities to advance. Growing up on farm in the north of Namibia I have a natural love for the bush and its inhabitants.

Showing people this beautiful country and its people combine, all of my passions in life, from working with people, flying and protecting our animals.

My career took me all way to south-east Asia for 17years, before I decided to return to follow my passions and give back to an industry that has been very good to me.

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls” is one of Joseph Campbell’s most famous quotes, and it has been the guiding light in my life’s journey.

Born and raised in the coastal town of Walvis Bay Namibia, I’ve always had a passion for aviation, so for me it was love at first flight.

I then followed my bliss and pursued my Commercial Pilots License and now I get to live my dream every day.

The thing I love most about flying is the feeling of freedom and being able to see the world from above is just incredible.

I am grateful to be part of the Scenic Air family and I look forward to navigating you through the Namibian skies to enjoy the beautiful sites, landscapes and sunsets.

Life is a journey, enjoy the scenic flight!